This little 3 year old is just like most; she pushes boundaries, tests her mommy (daily), and requires much correction with love. However, she is still perfect in my eyes! It seems that as much as I teach her....she teaches me as well.
Lately, like the last month we have been completely out of routine. And now I find myself in an interesting place. I have a format established and although I wish to continue in the same routine I don't think that my new schedule will permit. So we have a new schedule in order to accomplish the same tasks. It seems that I am daily learning how to be more and more flexible.
Monday: day off
Tuesday: Reading and Language
Wednesday: Bible
Thursday: Art
Friday: Ballet
It seems that every week Katie cooks with me so my recipe will not be given a specific day or time, but we will make a recipe based on the letter that week. I will be incorporating science into our reading and art activities. Part of being a good educator is knowing your student's limits, weaknesses, and strengths. Katie is 3. I have some big goals for her this year, but I refuse to cause big stress for her or I. I am fully committed to teaching her and helping her learn. I also want her to discover and grow a LOVE for learning. If learning is burdensome she will not enjoy it. Right now her favorite way to learn is by playing. Through my professional experience and much research on how children learn, play is a huge factor. This helps children learn from the world around them. I have written about this before. If your children are playing they are learning! Encourage play by surrounding them with toys that allow them to pretend and use their imagination.
Stepping off my soap box of educational know-how, I am a mom like you and know how busy life is. My life has suddenly exploded with "busy". Part of my preschool plan for this year was for me. I need to learn how to balance and organize my time so when she is 4, 5, and 6 I can really do this homeschool thing. Otherwise she will be in a school. You may be in the same position with your young children. I hope this helps someone.
This week for the letter "H" we are reading and learning "H" words. Our art activity is handprints (Thanks Hollie). Our recipe is Honey Buns.
Memory Verse: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will never pass away." Matthew 24:35
Have a great week!